Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Taxonomy of Lies

Dailykos diarist “jmcmeans” writes entertainingly on the linguistic pollution at the heart of the Rethug regime.

“Under the leadership of communications specialist and political advisor Karl Rove, the Bush Administration has perfected the art of prevarication to a level previously unknown in American politics. It sometimes seems that administration officials lie out of habit or just to keep in practice. See Attorney General Gonzales’s recent testimony to Congress.

“Some might simply wish to call these lies "baldfaced" or some other familiar or common term, but if critics use the term "baldfaced lies" the administration could deflect criticism simply by using spokesmen with a moustache or beard.

“The Bush administration’s untruths have been remarkably effective because the lies are more clever by half and thus more notable than the historic American political lie. These new lies need a name that acknowledges the creativity, some might even dare to call it genius, that goes into their creation. Therefore, in recognition of Karl Rove’s innovative leadership in the field of confabulation, henceforth a political half truth with an above average level of sophistication and sophistry should be called a Karlrovian Lie.”

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